"The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!" is a comprehensive resource for intermediate to advanced Python developers, covering best practices for writing, structuring, and deploying Python code. It provides practical guidance on web development, automation, data science, and more, making it ideal for those looking to improve their skills and grow professionally.
- Ansible
- Blueprint
- Boost.Python
- Buildbot
- Buildout
- C++
- Camelot
- Cement
- Chef
- Click
- Cliff
- Cocoa
- cryptography
- ctypes
- Django ORM
- docopt
- Fabric
- gevent
- GTk
- Jenkins
- Kivy
- lxml
- OpenCV
- peewee
- Pillow
- Plac
- PonyORM
- Psutil
- PugSQL
- Puppet
- PyGObject
- Pyjs Desktop
- PyObjC
- PyQt
- PySide
- PySimpleGUI
- Python
- Python Fire
- Qt
- Records
- requests
- Salt
- Scikit-learn
- SciPy
- SQLAlchemy
- SQLObject
- Tk
- Toga
- tox
- Travis-CI
- Twisted
- wxPython
tox is an automation tool designed for Python projects that standardizes and simplifies the testing process by running tests in isolated virtual environments across multiple Python versions and configurations. With features like dependency management and CI integration, tox ensures consistent, reproducible test results, making it an essential resource for developers aiming to maintain code quality.
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